After my law studies in Ghent and an additional Hotel school in France, the call to the unknown proved untenable. I left for Costa Rica and worked there for several years in the social sector, after which I founded a law and legal counsel office.
In order to make my contribution to the local economy, because for me, in addition to the ecological aspect, the social aspect is also very important and a great motivation to commit myself to this project.
After a number of experiments we decided to go for the “Bio” cultivation of limes and pepper.
Now, a few years later, the harvest has grown to such an extent that the local sales market is no longer sufficient and we have decided to expand our sales market to Europe.
We have chosen Belgium because to start because it’s my place of birth and the country where I already have the necessary connections. For example, I have partnered with Dairycomfoods so we hope to make BIOHILLS as an export product as successful as in Costa Rica.